
Gas Emergency 101: What To Do If You Have A Gas Leak or Issue

Many home- and business-owners have already benefitted from LPG gas use in their premises, but caution needs to be taken with the use of gas as well. Even if you have never had a gas emergency before (as gas problems can be easily detected due to the distinct smell), it still pays to know what exactly you should do if you encounter a gas emergency in the future. Knowing what steps to take can mean the difference between everyone’s safety and your peace of mind – and a situation that can quickly escalate from bad to worse.

The Causes of Gas Leaks or Emergencies

There can be different causes of gas leaks or emergencies, but some of the most common causes are poorly-fitted gas boilers, cookers, or other gas appliances. Apart from badly-fitted appliances, gas leaks can also be caused by improper servicing. That is why it is important to rely only on a Gas Safe registered engineer who knows their job and who can follow strict standards when it comes to installing, repairing, and maintaining gas appliances.

The Symptoms of a Gas Emergency or Problem

The very first – and sometimes only – symptom of a gas leak or emergency is the smell. If you smell gas, there must be a leak somewhere. If this is the case, then what should you do?

Steps to Take in Case of a Gas Emergency

If you are having a gas emergency, one of the first things you should do is go outside and get a few gulps of fresh air. This will clear your head and allow you to think in a more organised manner. Once you have cleared your head and taken a few deep breaths of fresh air, you can go back inside and open all the windows and doors of in order to allow fresh air to come in and increase ventilation.

The next step is to switch or turn off the gas appliance which may be causing the leak, and refrain from using it or turning it on again until it has been thoroughly assessed by an engineer. Afterwards, you should turn off the mains gas supply of the property. If you think your gas leak or emergency is too serious or difficult to handle, you should call the emergency number of the National Gas service, which is 0800-111-999.

If you are feeling weak, nauseated, dizzy, or ill, go to the hospital or your general practitioner and let them know that you may be experiencing poisoning from carbon monoxide due to a gas leak or emergency.

Make sure to get in touch with a Gas Engineer – London has an array of registered and fully qualified engineers, especially from – and have them check and repair the appliance as soon as possible. 

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