Your product’s packaging is often the first thing many consumers will see. Although you can spend time and money on a seemingly-brilliant marketing and advertising strategy, your product’s packaging will, at the end of the day, still be a big influence on whether your product will ‘fly off the shelves’ or remain unnoticed for months. The impact of the proper product packaging can be tremendous, and that being said, you have to think carefully about the right packaging for your product. Would you like to give your packaging a good, hefty boost? Here are the top factors that can influence your product packaging’s success.
Its impact on the shelves
A supermarket will have aisles and aisles of different products, and your product will never be seen on its own on a shelf. And, because the distance of viewing from a supermarket shelf and the arrangement of the products on the shelf is by column and row, most consumers will only glimpse a ‘pattern’ and not the actual products themselves. Only if your product breaks away from the ‘pattern’ will it get noticed. The appeal and distinctiveness of your product on supermarket shelves is called ‘shelf impact’ and you should test it to see how your product stands out. Surround your product with other products, see how it can be distinguished from the rest, and make changes as required.
Its practicality and functionality
Whilst it’s all well and good to have attractive, distinctive packaging, the practicality and functionality of the packaging can make an impact as well. The practicality of your product packaging is related to its size, shape, and how easy it is to open or use. Think about how you can make your product packaging more practical in terms of look and usability, and if you’re lucky enough to come up with a truly innovative and practical design, then by all means, make full use of it.
Its trendiness and classic appeal
Ultimately, your product’s packaging needs to adhere to your actual product. If you are offering something classic and traditional, then it’s better to choose packaging that has a classic and traditional look as well. But if your product is a contemporary and ‘trendy’ product, then its packaging needs to reflect this, too.
You can also learn what works for your product by studying your target demographic. What do they want, and what are they looking for? How do they make their buying decisions? Additionally, find out what’s happening in the packaging sector. What are the latest innovations? Perhaps you can take advantage of it. If you’re not sure, consult with professionals, especially those who can provide you with comprehensive reports and packaging industry analysis, such as NOA. Happy designing, and good luck!