
TOP 5 Essay Writing Tips from Famous Writers

The modern world turned on the writing path. More and more often we write instead of talk. We are used to communicating via our devices’ screens. We write SMS and personal letters, essays at college and business emails.  And our success as a writer usually depends on how good our writing is.

Luckily, writing is not something you were born with, it is something you could learn and improve practicing. To become a great writer first thing you have to do is to write. Every day, everywhere. So, stop procrastinate and start following below tips to sound like a real bestseller author.

  1. Michail Moorcock recommends read as much as you can. Reading is the key to excellent writing. Increase your vocabulary, read different kinds of literature, share your thoughts with friends and write down the most interesting ones. Learn from the books.
  2. Zadie Smith claims it is highly important to write in the silence and comfort. Turn your cell phone off, lock the door, concentrate and do your best.
  3. Rose Tremain’s never think about the ending of the book. She said it needs to born after every other detail is well-thought. So, just keep writing using your imagination.
  4. Buy a notebook and make it your satellite. Never miss a chance to write down your ideas. Catch them and make them shine on the pages of your book. This advice comes from Will Self.
  5. Listen to others opinion. Ask for writing help at if needed. If somebody thinks you’re doing it badly, says Neil Gaimant, more likely you are. So, do not spare yourself, take others words into consideration and stay objective.
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