
Top 5 Reasons To Instal Your Roof During Fall

Installation of a new roof becomes a headache if chosen to do at a wrong time. Yes, you heard it correct, there is a wrong time.  If you are planning to change the look of your home by installing a new roof, than fall is the ideal time for you to install it. All other time that you plan to instal is wrong time. Yes, there is a valid reason to vouch for fall as an ideal time for roof installation.  After sustaining storms of summer, and winter cold luring at a distance, fall is evidently an ideal time for any kind of roof related work.

Weather Assail

The harsh summer rain and wind when combines with the hurricane, their impact can be best seen in the roof of your house. The impact can be devastating, if the lifespan of the roof is on the verge of its eradication. It becomes crucial to get your roof inspected after unruly shower of rain. The inspection allows you to detect the necessary disaster management you need for your roof. Having an early inspection of your roof after summer rain saves you the affliction of subjugating roof in winter.

Ideal Condition

The process of replacing and installation of a new roof should be done under a clear sky to avoid any bickering that can arise if it is left to be replaced in the winter chill. The conventional roofing material asphalt shingles also adheres to the temperature of fall. Its seal strips melt and merge properly together during that time as compared to winter or summer.  Another added benefit of installing the roof in fall is that due to a mild temperature, the work gets completed earlier than allotted time.

Airtight and Moisture Resistant

The winter chill could be very chilling if it is not safeguarded adequately. The mishap that happened with the roof during summer storm should be rectified early and to make your home airtight and moisture resistant. With brittle temperature and chilly weather, working on asphalt shingles become difficult, like using a roofing gun becomes a hassle, hence, the worker uses hammering to fix the roof. Therefore it is advisable that the inspection and installation of the roof  to be done during fall.  

Expensive Service

It may be tempting to postpone the installation of the roof till the beginning or mid of winter, owing to the service charges being less. However, it is a common misconception as service during winter costs much higher due to unbearable weather condition. Though, one out of ten roofing companies might provide low cost service, but, it’s better not to take any chance with the quality of the service.

Savings on your Tax Returns

Servicing of your roof in fall also allows you an additional benefit of saving taxes. As servicing during winter becomes next to impossible, contractors prefer working during fall, this gives you an opportunity to get all your pending services done along with roof replacement. Also, replacement of roof within December 2016, qualifies you for the Federal Tax Credit for efficiency. Save all the expenditure receipts and product labels and  provide it to the tax authority, when you file for tax returns.

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