
Why SEO Matters For Your Blog to Be Found

Why optimizing your blog for search engines matter so much? Well, put simply, do you want it to be read or not? The fact is, people don’t find blogs just because they are written. You could be Stephen King, and that doesn’t mean your blog will automatically be located on the Internet with highway pounding its way to your digital front door. People actually have to find your site either by referral, accident or, the more preferable method, seeing it connected with something they are already looking for in the first place. Here are some SEO blog tips how that works starting out.


The fundamental driver of what makes people electronically travel the Internet is motivation. We want something, and the Internet is a means to getting it, whether that be a product, service, idea or just an experience like watching a movie. However, motivation is not enough to make a connection. People need to be pointed in the right direction to know how to make a connection successfully. This is where search engine optimization or SEO comes into play. SEO within your blog allows search engines to find it and then point people to where you are address-wise in the digital world. Think of SEO like a contact point in a magazine at the bottom of a big ad. You like the image, you want to know more and behold there’s a contact connection where you can go to find the product or service. SEO works the same way; you enter a query in a search engine, and a blog’s SEO helps the engine find your blog faster than other options out there, letting people find you.

Don’t Mistake SEO with Spam

Unfortunately, when SEO first got started years ago, people thought it was a simple matter of stuffing words all over a web page to get a search engine to find it. That turned into SEO abuse and really, really bad web pages, even for companies that were otherwise professional. The search engines finally said enough was enough, and the leader of the pack, Google, instituted a requirement that good SEO had to meet certain criteria, such as fresh content that provided information. Suddenly, a website had to have two things to rank well for the first page of search results: 1) real traffic that already liked it, and 2) content where SEO tags meant something useful. Search engines utilized algorithms to confirm this. Today, good SEO means your blog has to have content that is meaningful, useful, and popular.

Chicken or the Egg, Which is First?

Existing traffic is where things get a bit confusing. After all, when starting a blog, there is no traffic, or it is minimal at best. So how does show proof of an audience when none exists starting out?

You build it.

Traffic-building is the second part of SEO development. To create traffic in the first place takes a bit of frontier work from the ground up. You tell people about your site electronically, you get them to link to your blog, and you build relationships with other sites that already have traffic. In doing so, your site becomes known and develops a basic level of traffic. And that qualifies for a search engine to pay attention to you. Suddenly, you get ranking and actually exist to people searching because you’ve proven people already like you. It sounds nonsensical, but traffic-building is in practice a very effective way to produce better search results for search engine users.

Anyone can put a blog together, but if you want it to be more than just a personal diary on a web page, then your website project has to be marketed and promoted. And that means using SEO among other tools to build awareness. It takes work, planning and sometimes help, but a good blog can be produced. It is just a matter of following the right path.

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