So, you are interested in the medical profession, but are unsure whether you would prefer a more hands on job, or something behind the scenes? There is an absolutely huge variety of jobs on offer, and you will undoubtedly find something that piques your interest!
Clinical Support Staff
Each sector of health care requires assistance and support to help maintain efficiency and high levels of accuracy. Clinical support staff assist Doctors, Therapists and many more across the NHS and are therefore vital to ensuring things are working as they should. Examples include dietetic assistants that help patients avoid malnutrition, and healthcare assistants that directly help and aid patients whilst staying in hospital.
Dental Team
For those of you that are particularly interested in this area of medical studies, training to be a dental hygienist might be for you. Different to the leader of the dental team, a dentist, dental hygienists focus on teaching patients how to look after their teeth and gums. Dental hygienists work in both hospitals and general dental practices and require communication skills as they work daily with adults and children.
Psychological Therapies
Undeniably central to modern society is the importance of understanding mental health, especially with the continuous development of social media and its impact on its users. Therapy takes many different forms, ranging from occupational therapy jobs, whereby therapists aim to help improve independence of patients in achieving their daily activities, to talking therapies aimed at treating mental and emotional problems.
Midwifery is a separate profession from nursing and deals with the preparation of the mother for giving birth to new life, as well as support during pregnancy and after birth. There is also a short training course available for already registered adult nurses, if they should wish to enter this particular field of work. Midwifery is a fulfilling profession as you are directly helping mothers adapt to their new roles and assisting them in many different ways throughout their pregnancy.
Although not at the front of the NHS, the administration staff that operate behind the scenes are just as crucial as those that work face to face with patients. Examples of professions within this field of the NHS are health records staff, clerks or secretaries, but there are many more. These people help keep the NHS running by maintaining information of patients are kept in order and confidential, as well as accessible to medical staff.