4 Spring Cleaning Tips for your Office – Techniques to adopt

As per a new survey, it was found out that workers often judge a co-worker based on the cleanliness of their workplace and more than half claim that they had been appalled by the sight of a dirty office. If your office has too much of clutter here and there, you shouldn’t let it bog down your capabilities.

Spring cleaning is one such task which most people hate as taking out the time from their hectic day doesn’t seem to be a productive task. Nevertheless, as it has been proved that a clean office can enhance productivity of the employees by at least 5%, you need to know how you could spring clean your office. Here are some of the best spring cleaning ideas.

#1: Separate your workplace into different zones

Any professional should ask himself what exactly he wants from his workspace and whether or not his workplace is being able to meet all his requirements. Once you realize the way you wish to use up the space, you should set separate zones for separate tasks. In order to be able to use your computer, you might need a workplace, you may need a library area for doing all your research work and you may also require a storage area for storing all your archives. By separating zones, you can efficiently use up space.

#2: Keep important things at an arm’s length

The only things that you should keep around you are the things that you usually always need. All your old coffee mugs, pens and paper stacks need to go! Eliminate the desk clutter by keeping only the essential items. For majority, this means a keyboard, a monitor, 2 pens, telephone, 1 notebook and a lamp. Don’t keep anything more than that.

#3: Ditch the dirt with DIY cleaning products

Before you get into cleaning, do you know that there is a host of DIY cleaning products that you can use for spring cleaning your office? While you may also seek help of internal fit out cleaning from Real Cleaning, there are also few natural homemade products that you can use. How about using baking soda due to its virus killing capabilities? Thanks to vinegar’s acidity, it is a big wonder when it comes to office or home cleaning. To eliminate mold and mildew, natural lemon juice is a must. Olive oil and other essential oils also play the role of a polisher and cleanser.

#4: Set limits for your stuff

You have to realize that the problem is not about having too little space but it is mostly about having too much unnecessary stuff. Spare yourself just one bookshelf and as soon as you start filling up that bookshelf, don’t get yourself another one; instead start giving away one book at a time to maintain the limit. For files as well, whenever the cabinet gets loaded, start de-filing and tossing away all the paperwork that you no longer need.

So, if you’ve been stressing about spring cleaning your office, you may follow the above mentioned points that are shared by the experts. Try your best to declutter before things get dirty and untidy.

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