Regardless of the type of business you are a part of; credibility is a must have requirement. It gives the customer security. In the old days all it took was an expensive advert on TV or print media with impeccable language and graphics to show potential customers a company’s credibility. In today’s online world the criteria has changed drastically.
The Basics
The most common way to have an online presence these days is not through your own website but by having a Facebook page. The page is free to make and maintain plus very easy to set up. Once you have set up the business page for your company you will then need fans to like your page.
Getting Started
Credibility on Facebook depends on a few things other than fans. The content you post is a large part of the image you want to portray. I have witnessed a lot of companies using very shoddy English grammar on their pages, which can have a negative effect on potential customers. A company should use proper grammar when posting on their pages and be especially courteous when communicating with their fans.
Building Credibility Faster
Getting fans is hard and can be a very time-consuming procedure. For a company just starting out with a new Facebook page the number of fans they can get in a short period of time depends on their exposure to the market. Some company pages just Buy FB Fans in an effort to project an air of extreme popularity in the market. Some will opt instead for redirecting traffic from their official websites or twitter handles to their Facebook page. Another recent method to increase exposure is the option of sponsored adverts on Facebook. The content you get sponsored will be shown on every user’s news feed regardless of whether the said user is a fan or not. This makes the user aware of the company or their product’s existence on this social media platform.
Credibility takes time and hard work to build up but unfortunately takes very less time to destroy. An offensive remark/advert or a rude reply to a fan can have devastating consequences to the company. Examples of this phenomenon are plentiful in the online world. So, be very careful while maintaining your company page as you wouldn’t want all that hard work and money going to waste.